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Summer Fest

Today's adventures included a trip to the Mint Festival!  It is fun to see the summer line-up - Potato Festival, Highland Festival, Mint Festival...every community has their specialty.

St. Johns is known for it's mint farms, and mint products.  So we spent the afternoon going through the arts and crafts show, visiting various vendors, eating fair food, watching kids games, rides, and demonstrations...and enjoying a beautiful summer day.  

It was the last day of the fair, so attendance was a little slim, but I don't personally mind smaller crowds.  We enjoyed a quilt show, as well as a photography competition, placing our votes for our favorites of each.  

And the cardio-drumming demonstration was amazing!  We particularly enjoyed watching it from our picnic table viewing spot!  

There were tasty treats for everyone....

Summer is waning, and fall will be upon us sooner than we want to admit.  But I'm intent on enjoying every minute of these last weeks of summer.  And it's particularly enjoyable sharing these days with good friends.

Another day comes to a close - another spectacular "good night."


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