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Showing posts from July, 2023
We have been in a creative funk, and I decided it was time to do something about that!  We went into slow-mo prior to the pandemic, but once that hit it seemed we stopped moving forward.  No travel.  Little, if any photography, but we did turn to reading A LOT!  Political, mystery, self-help (well, not much of that)...not all bad, really.  There was gardening, movie watching and jig-saw puzzles (which really is NOT our cup-of-tea). Coming out of this slow period of life,  we have finally picked up speed.  Maybe a bit too much!  I have SO many projects on my plate, and I have decided to tackle one more.  A new shift in the blog - I hope this will provide the motivation I need to get moving! Stay tuned! Roamin' is back!