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Showing posts from February, 2009

Lensbaby Class

The online course I'm taking, through the Picture Perfect School of Photography , is very interesting and forces me to get out and take photos, experimenting with new equipment and techniques. We had a lovely break in the winter weather the first week of my class, which really helped. I was quite pleased with some of the images and thought I'd share. The Lensbaby Composer, which is the new lens I am shooting with, has a sweet spot of focus, as it's called, and everything else goes soft. It's a bit tricky, but once I get the hang of it I do think I'll use the lens quite frequently. The look is different, allowing creativity without being tied to Photoshop or another image editing program. What do you think? If you're interested in more information about the Picture Perfect School of Photography , check out . Information on the Lensbaby line is available at .

New "Focus"

It's so much fun to face a new challenge in photography. For Christmas I received a Lensbaby, a special effects lens which gives a soft-focus look to your photograph. I'm taking a class to help be better understand how it works, and the weather has actually cooperated the last couple of days. Finally, a warm-up which is giving us hope that spring is actually coming. So we hit the road and I looked for subjects to practice using the lens. Here are a couple of shots which give you an idea how nifty this lens is, and the possibilities for creative photography.