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Celebrating 100 Posts - A Challenge

Yes, we are closing in on our 100th post. Truly amazing. Thank you for reading and participating, helping keep the ideas, words and photos flowing.

In honor of this momentous occasion, let's have a party. A party where "100" is featured.

Do not become concerned if an idea doesn't pop into your head right away. You have one week to come up with something which includes 100. Think party, celebration and fun. Think creatively. Think challenge. Photography is about expressing yourself, and challenging yourself. Here's a real stretcher!
Celebrate with us by posting a photo (or series) which depicts the number 100 in some way. Let me know if you're going to participate and I'll create a way for everyone to link to each other's pages - chuckling, laughing, crying and surprising. You'll be amazed what you see when you start looking.

Still at a loss? Here is a non-exhaustive look at the number 100:

100 years ago (something nostalgic-there's wiggle room on the exactness of 100 years):
-the Eiffel Tower was the tallest structure in the world (photo of the tower)
-Sugar was 4 cents/pound
-Eggs were 14 cents/dozen
-Coffee was 15 cents/pound
-the American flag had only 45 stars
-crossword puzzles, canned beer and ice tea weren't invented yet -vintage clothing - play dress up! -vehicles -memorabilia -Father and Mother's days weren't invented yet

100 pieces of something

Jig-saw puzzles
m&m's, jelly beans, stones, rocks, shells, collections of things, candles on a cake, beads on a necklace, cheerios on a necklace/in a bowl,
foot/hand prints

  • Hanging objects
  • Things/someone that weighs 100
  • Lists
  • Book titles, like 100 Hungry Ants; I'll Teach my Dog 100 Words
  • Song titles, like 100 Years Ago by the Rolling Stones
  • Dates
  • Tombstones
  • Words
  • Numbers
  • Something with 100 on it: $100. bill; film boxes (ISO 100); signs; addresses; ages; dates
  • Also check out some websites which give ideas for the First 100 Days of School activities. Part of the early elementary school curriculum in the U.S., it's a huge celebration of the number 100.

  • Flickr also has "100 Things to Try Before You Die"
I think you have the idea. Yes, it's challenging - and therein lies the fun!!!!!

The prizes? If you sign in and post to my blog on Tuesday, July 14, you will be entered in a drawing for a give-away. I will offer a print image, or greeting cards. When you sign in you'll need to tell me which you would prefer. As soon as I choose the actual items I will send off, I will post a picture. Being visual, it would definitely help me make my decision. You do not have to post a "party photo" on your blog to be entered in the drawing, but why miss out on the fun?

Again, if you're going to post, let me know so I can create the links from my page. If you want to be entered in the drawing, you'll show up on my virtual doorstep on the 14th and post, including which item you would like to win.

It's a challenge - but you're up to it. I've been on a lot of blogs and there are a HUGE number of talented and imaginative people out there! Join in the fun!

Happy Hunting!


Char said…
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I might have to try this. I'll check back with you after I put my thinking cap on.
Anonymous said…
sounds like a challenge i want to take up.
Sandy K. said…
How did everyone's fireworks turn out? The horizontal images are Daryl's, the verticals are mine. On Manual, with the Bulb setting. I'm not sure what Daryl did, but I counted to about 3, maybe a bit longer, holding the shutter open to achieve these affects. There's no exact science to my photographs:).
Dan Felstead said…

The 100 it a photo or enter.

Also beautiful pictures of the fireworks...obviously on a tripod?

Eva said…
These shots are great! I was pretty happy with my fireworks shots came out too. I used the following settings with a tripod and my Nikon kit lens.

ISO: 100
Aperture: f/11
Shutter Speed: 3 seconds
Manual Focus on infinity

Happy 100!
Sandy K. said…
Dan- I was thinking photography, but writing would be interesting. Maybe a combination? Do you have something in mind? I'm open to creative options.
Dan Felstead said…

I was hoping photography...I will have to give it some thought...I will get back to you.

100th! Congrats and many beautiful returns.

Yes, ready for the magic ahead.
Happy decorating.
Sandy K. said…
Dan - happy hunting. And yes, definitely a tripod for the fireworks shots. I'd like to get the arm which would allow be to switch between horizontal and vertical more easily. At least I have a photo partner so we can mix-it-up when shooting various locations/events.

Thank you for sharing your fireworks data, Grey Street Girl. I was at an f16, ISO 100. Isn't it fun?
kendalee said…
Congratulations on 100 posts! I have no idea what I'll do but I can't resist a challenge so you can count me in... :)
kendalee said…
p.s. the fireworks shots are great!
Sandy K. said…
I'm so excited for those all ready to jump into the challenge. Hopefully others will gather some ideas this week.
georgia b. said…
first of all, amazing fireworks photos!

secondly, i am so in on this challenge! i can't wait.

thirdly, i'll definitely be back on the 14th to enter.

what a great idea!

happy 100th milestone!
We Blog Artists said…
Here you go, HAPPY 100th Post!
Char from Ramblins... directed me over in this diection...and I couldn't miss a party!
Have a wonderful DAY!
I hope mine counts...I know they're not all the same, but they do lie in the catagory of 100 children's titles???
What do you think?

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