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Favorite Things

With Linda Kaye Daugherty in The Sound of Music
Gratiot Community Theater

We went to the Wharton Center production of Sister Act last night, and I haven't tapped my toe or laughed so hard in a very long time.  The music was fresh, the choreography amazing and the set design superb.   The drops for the interior of the church were breathtaking.  Each actor did a fabulous job of portraying their role, and exemplified what can be done through hard work and dedication.  If you can't was a joyous evening.

And today I was thinking about nuns.  No, nothing in the sermon at church this morning really stood out as something which would direct my thinking that way, but last night's show may have brought back some of my girlhood memories of wanting to be a nun.  Yes, it's true.  I once thought this was my vocation - and probably because there just weren't any female church leaders at that time.   A nun was the only option for a woman.  No, I wasn't Catholic, but Episcopalian was pretty darn close.  As far as I was concerned at the time, the only difference was I didn't have to confess my sins out loud. 

I was fortunate enough, however, to play a nun in our community playhouse production of The Sound of Music.  This was a few years ago, and I can't find the program which would tell me the specific date.  It's probably buried in the box of photos in need of a home.  Our playhouse does such a great job putting together solid productions.  Local talent abounds and everyone pitches in to create a wonderful showcase for the community. 

When I think of this musical, I think of the song "My Favorite Things" - and this blog is a great place to collect some of them!  I'm going to be random today, but it sounds like a great idea for a topical sequence of posts.  I'll put it on my to-do list:).

For now... nothing with snow:).


Red-eyed Tree Frog - Costa Rica

Roamin' Loves Fall Adventures

And Spring!


S. Etole said…
Such a promising look for spring.
Jeanie said…
I love your favorite things! And heard Sister Act was excellent! I, too, enjoy musicals (as you know) and had that Sound of Music experience, too. Great show to be in! (Long to watch, though! They wrote 'em longer then!
Relyn Lawson said…
Oh, we share many of the same favorite things. And, I bet, a few favorite songs.

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