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Winter Wonderland

Ah, the adjustment to the cold and snowy wonderland of Michigan following the heat and sun of Ghana. When we got back we were right into the swing of, holidays, new semester. This weekend we decided we needed an outing, and time for photography, so off to the International Dog Sled races in Kalkaska.

The weather was not cooperating. Wind chills close to zero degrees, and blowing snow, kept everyone bundled from head to foot, with heads ducked down to protect faces from the elements. But the dogs didn't seem to mind at all. They were so excited to run...straining at their leads...howling for attention. And the racers seems just as intense about their race.

The children didn't seem to mind, either. The youngsters above were very busy devising their own races.

We managed to stay outside most of the time, retreating to the car on two occasions to warm our hands. Our cameras held up well, though battery life is a huge issue in cold weather. We manged to capture some good action shots before heading for home, stopping for a hot sandwich and coffee, of course. We love finding a local haunt while traveling.

And now we'll try to keep a good attitude until the first crocus poke up through the snow in April. One of my plans is to dust off the lensbaby I've toyed with for a couple of years, and the manual I purchased to help me really learn how to get some shots which look intentional. This means I need to clean off my shooting area, which leads me to looking at the other areas of the basement which need sorting and reorganizing. There is always something.

What are you doing while trying to keep warm this season? Any photography suggestions to get the creative juices flowing?


S. Etole said…
That is quite a change in environment. Great mural on the side of that building.
Leanne said…
Those are some cool dog shots. BUT I bet it was soooo cold. My suggestion would be to move to California where it is 72 degrees in the winter! I love it!
But I guess you had that in Ghana. What a cool trip that must have been!
Dagmar said…
Hi there Sandy, sorry it's been a while. But I always love to return to your space. What a whiteness of snow and cold....yep kids do always find wonderful ways to stay warm naturally.

I need lots of cuppa tea's for that, mostly indoors by the fireplace...hihihi.
Hugs Dagmar
Dagmar said…
Hi there Sandy, sorry it's been a while. But I always love to return to your space. What a whiteness of snow and cold....yep kids do always find wonderful ways to stay warm naturally.

I need lots of cuppa tea's for that, mostly indoors by the fireplace...hihihi.
Hugs Dagmar

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