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Hidden Gem

Thank you, Georgia, for helping me focus on the hidden gem, the place we love to go and not be found. Not far from IS home. We call it "out back," and once there we are transported to a private place, not visible from houses or road or the casual observer. I couldn't choose just one photo, so I created a collage of this special part of our world. Enjoy.


Unknown said…
this reminds me of a place in mozambique where we camped. there was a huge boabab tree and anca, a friend of mine, and i sat in its huge branches, watching the sun set.
georgia b. said…
it looks truly peaceful there. like a place i would surely go. thanks for doing this, sandy! i agree. let's do it again.
Anonymous said…
Wow, if all that is in your backyard, you sure live in a spectacular place! Nice to have your favorite place be home, too. My favorite place is also home but I sure don't have all that right here.
suzy said…
I love your special place. It is so beautiful.
Thank you for your sharing your part of the world.
beth said…
is this all from your backyard ?
lucky you if it is !!!

and if it's not....thanks for the sunshiny photos !
Pugelicious said…
Love the mosaic - loved the picture of the dog in the field. You did a really good job with the mosaic - I am technologically challenged - so I am in awe :)
Tranquil retreat, nothing beats that!

Happy Monday.
joyce said…
Your outback looks a lot like mine. My property is my hidden jem too.
Sandy K. said…
We used to have 40 acres, and are now down to 6. We still walk part of the property which technically isn't "ours," but that's the blessing of selling to friends. I still have my "own" spots - sometimes I just need the quiet.

The mosaic was created at It's easy. Part of it's free, so you can experiment to see if you want to purchase more options. It's not expensive, actually. And fun!
Teresa said…
Great job on this mosaic - really pretty photos!
Sandy K. said…
Thank you for visiting...see you tomorrow?