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A Royal Day

Here we have it...the last, and most distinguished, day of color week. Thank you for orchestrating it, Lisa. It's been such a great photographic journey, one we should definitely revisit.

The greatest challenge of this week was finding a purple door..or entryway...or something. I actually wish I had a cafe, such as Lisa, to use today:). As it is, here is my best shot - a two-toned purple house in the middle of renovations. Spring is a perfect time to shoot colors, isn't it? The floral display at this time of year is amazing. Here are a few of my favorite purples right now.
Taking pictures of flowers is tricky, as you have to take into consideration all the natural elements at work around you. But when the timing is right, and the light is perfect, and you have a fabulous subject, and no wind....the results are very rewarding.

I love using natural light when working with still-life photography, and being able to capture the essence of a mood. I got a new lens for Christmas, a Lensbaby, which has been fun to work with. It's a selective focus lens, allowing you to determine where in the photo you want the focus to be. Everything else is then blended out into a soft focus look. It's not right for every picture, I'm finding, but florals work well.
I had to get full mileage out of my street here is more glasswear. I don't think the person who created this appreciated my taking a photo, though I thanked him and told him I was collecting "color." Some people just don't like to play.

Maybe more blue than purple, I wanted to close the week's challenge with this panel from a city in Tajikistan tea house in Boulder, Colorado. The tea house was a gift from one city to the other, as a symbol of peace and hope. I'd like to think that our visits in the blogosphere are also gifts, to each other and to those who happen to drop by.

On to the next challenge, whatever it may be:) Have a colorful day!


Anonymous said…
especially love your floral photos.
Chris said…
Wow. That purple flower macro is incredible! Looks like the Lensbaby was worth it. I was thinking of getting one but haven't yet.

It was fun playing this week with color. I'm so glad I got to see your awesome photography! :)
Annette B said…
Hi Sandy
thanks for leaving a message on my blog. If you want to find out more about ATCs you can look on this website
where you will get lots of info. They get swapped by actual post. They are very small so its easy.

Annette B
Dagmar said…
You've made me fall in love! The flower is way to beautiful for words. Sigh. Great great great. How nice it was to meet you through colorweek. Be well.
Anonymous said…
Love the different colored window paintings!
kendalee said…
Your flower shots are beautiful Sandy! I've so enjoyed sharing colour week and you're right it is a gift. Have a lovely weekend!
lisa said…
oh yes! those purple windows! well really all these photos are amazing. thank you for sharing with us this week.
Love your tulip and the 'soft focus'. I too am playing with my new lens'!

So glad you grabbed the glass color - did he perhaps think you would steal his design? He should thank you for the free advertising...
Wow! These pictures are so unique! I LOVE the tiny purple flowers! AMAZING! and that macro close up is gorgeous!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Denise Kiggan said…
I love the purple window frames on the house being renovated! What a find!
parisa mahmoudi said…
My favorite is the last shot!!!Love it!Hope you have a wonderful time,too! :)
georgia b. said…
GORGEOUS! especially the tulip! thanks for stopping by my blog. may i add your blog to the blog roll on my "it's just how is see things" blog roll?

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