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Showing posts from August, 2013

Early Morning Field Trip -1

Viki works to get a wildflower shot, remembering that it's much better to get down to the level of your subject to get the best angle of view. Now and then it's important to drop everything and go take pictures.  It's also wonderful to share that experience with someone. Decide what our subject is,  then make sure it's obvious to your audience. Yesterday I had the opportunity to work with a talented novice photographer, someone who wanted some pointers.  We had agreed to meet at a local park where we could photograph sunrise on the river, the wildlife in the area, and then a friend's garden.  There was a lot of opportunity to share skills and ideas and get down and dirty as we collected photographs in our own "back yard," so to speak. The sun had technically risen, but had not reached it's beautiful fingers to the park.  As we talked a little about our experiences, and what we each liked to photograph the most, the color on the tree tops...