San Antonio, Texas is decked out for the holidays, with hundreds of thousands of lights. The downtown area has a riverwalk system which you can walk, of course, but also tour by boat. The lights over the river, and many of the bridges you float under, are decorated with a twinkling wonderland of lights. Riding the river system, you hear music playing from a number of sources, everything from pan flute to guitar, solo or ensemble. Smells from numerous eateries waft through the air, and all your senses come alive. As photographers we were challenged to find some photos which would record the experience, and as tourists we just wanted to sit back and soak it in. We were traveling with our daughter, son-in-law and 2 year old grandson, so we did it all. It was amazing to watch the face of the little one as he looked overhead and pointed "lights!" everywhere we went. He also reacts to the music, and swiveled his head as we heard new sounds or turned another bend of the river. He l...