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Macro Wonders (and a reminder)

I love to take macro photographs. I also know the best time of day to find critters that will be willing subjects is early in the morning, when they're still wet with dew, and chilly. I know that there is little wind in the early hours, and you can get gorgeous wildflower photos without having to clip your subject to an alien base. The spiderwebs are untouched and laden with dew. I know this...and yet can't seem to get up before 7:00 a.m. And that's just to wrap myself in a robe and have coffee. And many times it's coffee in bed, as I have a very attentive husband. Who wants to get out of bed when the coffee is delivered, and you can prop yourself up and read and think about your day?

This week has been interesting because it seems as if nature is cooperating with my laziness. We had a monarch caterpillar take up residence on our front porch, forming a chrysalis in plain view of our front door. There have been unusual moths and other flying creatures which seem willing to pose for photo ops...staying still for long periods of time.

AND....the icing on the cake was when I found my husbands screw-on close-up lenses (misplaced after they didn't fit his new lens), AND...wait for it...they fit on my own close-up lens! So I can add magnification to my already magnified lens. Joy is mine.

The top left photo is the monarch chrysalis with my 100mm macro lens. Nice. To the right is the same chrysalis when I added two screw-on lenses, totally a +5 magnification. You can see the caterpillar colors quite plainly. It's interesting to know the chrysalis is actually clear, so everything you see is the actual caterpillar, curled a certain way.

Then there is that moth. A tiny spot on the wall becomes an audition for a fall Halloween classic! Is that a fly? A bee? I still haven't found it in my identification books. Does anyone have a clue?

I thought I'd also include a photo of the moth as I first saw it, and one of the rings I added to my macro in order to get the above close-up. Prinz Close-up lenses; a set of three, and they're stackable. So you can add a +2 and a +4 for a total of a +6, for example. I do need to remember that summer is short and I will be very sorrowful when fall comes and I don't have those early morning experiences. The macro creatures do look better in their natural environment - on leaves and grasses and trees. But, I will thank them for making this week's post more interesting - helping me create a Macro Monday post. I was a little worried about what I was going to do!

Now for the reminder: Tomorrow, July 14, is my 100th Post, and we're celebrating. There are two ways you can participate, your choice.

1. Post a photograph on your blog which in some way depicts the number "100." For a reminder, look back to the list of suggestions in last week's introductory post. If you do post a photo on your blog, let me know and I will add a link on this page, so everyone can go back and forth and see the unique photographs. It should be FUN!

2. If you decide not to post a photo, you can still enjoy the festivities. Stop by sometime tomorrow and add a comment to tomorrow's post. Everyone who comments will be entered into a drawing for a give-away. You will choose a print or set of greeting cards; details to follow. I know I had promised to have a photo of your choices. I have changed my mind on how I'm going to do this - which means more choices for you.

So, there are two ways to play and I can't wait to see what everyone has in mind! Including me - back to work!


joyce said…
I love your macros! I really need someone to teach me about them. I don't have extra lenses, not even sure if I can get them for my camera, but it does have 12X optical & 3.3x additional digital a macro setting, which may not mean much, but I should be able to take better pics than I main problem is focusing..when I try to get close up the focus goes not to the main object but the surrounding ones, & I have no idea why. I use the correct distances. Any hints?

And I think I will make it for tomorrow's post, unless all goes awry!
joyce said…
I love your macros! I really need someone to teach me about them. I don't have extra lenses, not even sure if I can get them for my camera, but it does have 12X optical & 3.3x additional digital a macro setting, which may not mean much, but I should be able to take better pics than I main problem is focusing..when I try to get close up the focus goes not to the main object but the surrounding ones, & I have no idea why. I use the correct distances. Any hints?

And I think I will make it for tomorrow's post, unless all goes awry!
Pugelicious said…
Great Macros Sandy - love the pod thing - nature is amazing. Even though I find bugs creepy little things - I do appreciate the macros :)
Sandy K. said…
Joyce, it sounds like your focus spot isn't right. Do you have the ability to choose the area of focus? Do you have a little red dot on the subject when you focus? Check your manual. A lot of cameras allow you to get pretty close, even if you can't use more lenses. Sometimes not. Let me know if you think it's the area of focus?

Looking forward to your "100":)
Char said…
such beautiful shots - love the moth
Anonymous said…
love your images here.

to answer your question on my post - i work in the education sector of the civil service here, and am head of a team of professionals involved in revising the existing national curriculum for schools. i also am involved in teacher education, so they both tie in together well.

will be posting my 100 photo later today - i just hope it meets up to expectations (i'm kind of nervous now!!! hehehe)
Sandy K. said…
Thank you for filling me in on your job. It sounds very interesting, something I'd like to work on.

And please don't be nervous - it's all for fun:).
georgia b. said…
i hadn't seen these macros yet. how very cool.

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