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Winter Challenges

We're not really winter people. We love to see the snow falling gently, the landscape blanketed in white....while sipping our coffee from the warmth of our home. The fireplace is a welcome friend, on these cold winter days. And a good book is hard to put down, particularly when you're snuggled under a fleece blanket, well insulated from the elements.

How many mornings, as we nestle further under the covers, do we say, "We should be out taking pictures." The cold and crisp mornings produce fabulous photos ops - with ice crystals covering trees, crab apples, pine cones - forming fairy lands of pattern and glitter. The birds flock to our feeders, all puffed up and insulated against the cold. Their colors really stand out against the white of the snow, and the sharp blue of the sky.

And so one morning as I lay in bed watching the sun come up behind a pine tree in the yard, I decided I better get up and dust off the camera. Just for a bit, I said; sunrise doesn't last long:). I slipped on my handy boots, and threw a coat over my robe. Gloves were a must. Standing on the deck at the back of the house that morning, I decided I really needed to make the effort more often. I shot a quick succession of photos as the sun rose higher above the horizon. Long shadows became shorter, and the orange tint on the winter wonderland faded. As the light became more harsh, the ice crystals sharpened as I watched through my camera lens. Beautiful.

My nose followed the aroma of that first pot of coffee as I turned to go inside. The feeders were alive with our morning guests. I poured coffee and watched the Tufted Titmouse, Chickadees and Downy Woodpeckers fight over the suet and peanuts. The Jays and Cardinals flew in, but are much more skittish when they see a reflection through the kitchen window. The Hairy Woodpecker generally makes an appearance, as does the Red-Bellied Woodpecker.

Yes, I really need to get up earlier on a more regular basis.


Christine said…
I LOVE the berry photo!!

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